Estate Planning

estate planning

Shawn French was very friendly, understanding and flexible toward our needs and requirements. He helped us move in the right direction of a secure financial future and we look forward to more of his services in the near future. Joseph

lifestyle and asset protection

Having your say beyond the grave

All too often we read or hear about people (even those we know) who shortly after a parent has passed away, are in dispute with loved ones. The damage done is almost irrevocable and sometime the legal bills can be crippling.

Proper Estate planning can avoid all this

But Estate Planning isn’t simply about having a Will in place.

It’s ensuring that the Will in place is

  • Reflective of your current situation and
  • Reflective of how YOU want your assets disbursed and to whom once you pass on

It is also about being fully prepared in the event that something should occur prior to death

We are able to facilitate for your current will to be reviewed or for a will to be prepared for you.  As part of that review the following will also be considered:-

  • Whether Power of Attorneys are in place (both Medical & Financial)
  • If Beneficiaries on Life Insurance & Superannuation Policies have been nominated and are the details still correct.
  • The need for Testamentary Trusts